MeeGo 1.1 released - includes IVI, Handset and Netbook UXs

The MeeGo project reached an important milestone today with the release of MeeGo 1.1. It aims to create a solid baseline for both manufacturers and developers to devices and software across a broad range of categories (netbook, handset, IVI and) across both the ARMv7 and Intel Atom chipset architectures. The current MeeGo releases remain mainly of interest to device manufacturers, developers and those wishing to take an early look at MeeGo before it arrives on commercial devices. The MeeGo 1.1 release comprises of Core OS 1.1, Netbook UX 1.1, Invehicle Informatinment (IVI) UX 1.1, and Handset UX 1.1. The MeeGo project release are formal milestones of development, but do not necessarily indicate commercial readiness.
In addition the MeeGo project will be releasing an SDK based on MeeGo 1.1. some time in the next few weeks. It will include support for both MeeGo Core OS and the supported UX's and will greatly improve developer and device accessibility to the platform.. It will be formally released at the MeeGo Conference in Dublin (November 15th-17th).
The MeeGo project has a six-monthly release cycle. MeeGo 1.2 is scheduled for April 2011. It is set to include a complete Handset UX release (full application set) and will likely be the basis for the first commercial devices.

MeeGo Core OS 1.1

The MeeGo Core OS is a consolidated common base operating system for all UXs. This means that they all have the same base technology, but the UX is what gives them specific features, application and user interface differentiation.
MeeGo 1.1 Core uses the Linux kernel 2.6.35, Server 1.9.0, Mesa 7.9 and has a BTRFS file system. Other key components include the Conman connection manager, Ofono telephony stack, Tracker data indexer, Telepathy real-time communications framework and Bluteo sync framework.
A key focus for application developers is the inclusion Qt 4.7, QtWebKit 2.1 and Qt Mobility 1.02, a feature reach application development framework. Nokia recently announced that Qt would be their soul development environment for their MeeGo and Symbian devices.
More details are available in the MeeGo Core 1.1 release notes.

MeeGo Handset UX 1.1

The MeeGo 1.1 for Handset release build on the earlier Handset UX preview. While the preview presented a first look at the Handset user experience, the first full release is more complete, but is still described as a technology snapshot. The Handset UX is expected to be completed with the MeeGo 1.2 release.
MeeGo 1.1 screenshotMeeGo 1.1 screenshotsMeeGo 1.1 screenshot
MeeGo 1.1 Handset UX screenshots (multi-tasking, calling, people)
The current release includes key technologies such as cellular functionality, connectivity, a sensor framework (e.g. for auto-rotation) and mobile browsing. The release now includes basic UX for calling, SMS messaging, web browsing, music and video playback, photo viewing and connection management.
A download of the MeeGo 1.1 Handset UX has been made available for the N900, but it is not targeted at end users. Anyone contemplating downloading and flashing the software to the N900 should pay attention to this warning from the MeeGo site:
MeeGo is an open source project and if you choose to install the MeeGo image to your N900 device, you do it completely at your own risk. If you are not confident that you know what you are doing with it and why, please don't use it at all. Especially now, if you start playing with call software under development, you need to watch after your phone bill, as well.
More details are available in the MeeGo Handset 1.1 release notes.
MeeGo 1.1 browser
MeeGo 1.1 Handset UX browser. More screenshots are available here.

MeeGo Netbook UX 1.1

The MeeGo Netbook UX provides a visually rich netbook experience based on the latest open source technologies. Key features include quick access to PIM information, social network aggregation and a fast and rich Internet experience.
The MeeGo 1.1 for Netbooks release build on the previous netbook releases, rolling in the latest developments from the core OS. Since the last full release support for touch has been added and many of the application updated to their latest versions.
MeeGo Netbook UX
MeeGo Netbook UX screenshot
The latest version can be downloaded from the MeeGo website. Those running an earlier version should receive an automatic upgrade notification in the next few days.
More details are available in the MeeGo Netbook 1.1 release notes.

MeeGo 1.1. for In-Vehicle Infortainment

The MeeGo IVI UX provides a system for providing in car computing. This release follows on from an earlier preview.
In this release a sample IVI homescreen and taskbar are included, which have been built using Qt 4.7. The taskbar is designed in line with the Automotive Center Console HMI requirements. The taskbar, which can be controlled by scroll wheel, touch or mouse, can be moved to either side of the screen (allowing for optimal usage by passenger or driver).
MeeGo IVI screenshot
Also included in the release is initial support for text-to-speech and voice recognition (using Festival Speech Synthesis and PocketSphinx respectively). MeeGo Touch Framework integration is used to provide a number of sample applications including video player, music player, photo viewer, hands-free dialler and settings management.
 More details are available in the MeeGo IVI 1.1 release notes.
